The Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) is responsible for promulgation of the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) Rules. The WCA Rules are codified in Minnesota Rules Chapter 8420 based on the standards and authorizations contained in state statute. WCA took effect with an interim program in 1992 and began operating under formally adopted rules in January 1994. The Legislature has passed numerous amendments to WCA since its original passage and the rules have undergone multiple revisions. The current WCA Rule was adopted in 2009 and multiple statute changes have occurred since adoption.

Rulemaking in Minnesota follows the procedures outlined in the Minnesota Administrative Procedure Act (APA), Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 14. BWSR staff utilize the Minnesota Rulemaking Manual as a procedural guide for WCA Rulemaking. The current WCA Rulemaking process was initiated in 2015 when an initial request for comments was published in the State Register.  Supplemental requests for comments were published on January 20, 2022 and July 8, 2024. 

This page contains information relating to WCA Rulemaking, WCA statutes, public comments, and stakeholder participation. See our page on the WCA statute changes related to this rulemaking  2011 – 2024 WCA Statute Changes (link).

Rulemaking Information

WCA Rulemaking Plan 5/16/2024 (pdf)

Current WCA Rule (adopted in 2009)

Compilation of Relevant WCA Statutes (link)

2011 – 2024 WCA Statute Changes (link)

Public Involvement and Input

Wetland Bankers Meeting 11-15-2023

Wetlands Advisory Committee Meeting 4-25-23

Wetlands Advisory Committee Meeting 9-27-22

Wetlands Advisory Committee Meeting 8-18-22

Comments Received - Requests for Comments

E-mail Distribution List

If you would like to be added to the e-mail distribution list for WCA rulemaking updates, please e-mail your name (first and last), organization, and e-mail address to


Ken Powell
Wetland Conservation Act Operations Supervisor
Les Lemm
Wetlands Section Manager
Lewis Brockette
Wetlands Policy Coordinator